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Tax Man’s Achilles Heel Exposed by Last Second Opportunity Zone Investments

Tax Man’s Achilles Heel Exposed by Last Second Opportunity Zone Investments

If you realized capital gains in 2022, you might be feeling the hot breath of Uncle Sam on your neck, nudging you to give up a huge chunk of your hard-earned cash in capital gains taxes.

As the clock ticks down to the October 16 deadline, investors are huddling with their centers of influence, exploring every nook and cranny of the tax code to shield their wealth from the taxman’s grasp. And in these “eleventh-hour meetings”, one tax-advantaged investment has brought hope to investors: Opportunity Zones.

Opportunity Zones are economically-distressed communities that offer a synergistic relationship of both positive community development & lucrative tax benefits for investors.

By channeling investments into these areas, investors aren’t only contributing to regional growth, they're also unlocking a treasure trove of tax benefits that could be the key to outwitting Uncle Sam.


Looking for specific numbers? Here they are:

For capital gains placed in Opportunity Funds for a minimum of 5 years, investors can witness a 10% increase in basis on the original investment. After 7 years, the basis increases to 15%. 

What’s more, if held for a decade or more, investors could potentially see $44 for every $100 invested. That number includes a permanent exclusion of taxable capital gains, and also factors in a long term federal capital gain tax rate of 23.8% (20% capital gains tax + 3.8% net inv. income tax)*.

Now, compare this with a traditional 1031 Exchange, where investors are obligated to invest the full proceeds from the sale of their initial investment or business property. Opportunity Zones, on the other hand, only require the investment of the capital gains, offering a flexibility that’s notably absent in other tax-deferral strategies

As we inch closer to October 16, a pivotal date for those who opted for an extension on their April tax filings, the stakes are undeniably high. Investments made into Opportunity Zones by this deadline might be investors' golden ticket to securing lucrative tax incentives—if they act before then

However, investors who miss this opportunity might be staring down the barrel of capital gains taxes that could significantly decrease their returns on investments. 

The dent could be so big, some may wish they threw their cash in a “high yield” savings account instead.

The narrative is all too familiar: after months of strategic planning and due diligence, investors are left grappling with the reality of coughing up a huge portion of their capital gains to taxes. 

According to Uncle Sam, that’s the harsh reality. But does it have to be? In most cases, of course not! 


There is hope this tax season

Just ask all the savvy investors who are leveraging Opportunity Zones to not only defer but completely eliminate their capital gains taxes. They’re not just meeting with their centers of influence; they’re taking it a step further, engaging with Opportunity Zone advisors from OZ FundHub, ensuring they not only navigate the tax web effectively but also maximize their ROI by investing in high-potential Opportunity Zones.

As great as this sounds, we’re at the end of the road, and the taxman is waiting with bated breath. But armed with the secret weapon of the most intelligent investors, Opportunity Zones, you could re-write the ending of your tax story, turning potential losses into a triumphant gains.

The finish line of tax season is always met with hurdles. But with strategic planning, the right guidance, and a willingness to explore the potential of Opportunity Zones, investors all across the U.S. are proving that when it comes to safeguarding their wealth, it’s possible to emerge victorious during the 2023 October tax deadline.

If you would like to also join these investors, this is your opportunity: Click here to book your call with An Opportunity Zones Advisor today.

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